1. U.S. Naval Captain James Lawrence [born in Burlington, NJ] took command of the frigate CHESAPEAKE and shortly thereafter, on 1 Jun 1813, engaged the Royal Navy frigate SHANNON off Boston where it was blockading the U.S. port. In the fray Lawrence was fatally wounded by small arms fire and died shortly after uttering his famous dying last words. What were they?
"Don't give up ship!" [Actually Lawrence uttered those words as he was being carried below and died a short while later]
cf., https://www.history.navy.mil/our-collections/photography/us-people/l/lawrence-james.html
2. Where was the first [1624] settlement in what is now the state of New Jersey located [it was also the site of the first known murder of Europeans in New Jersey] ?
Burlington Island in the Delaware between Bristol, PA & Burlington, NJ *
cf., https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burlington_Island#Fort_Wilhelmus
* My 10g grandparents, Joris Jansen Rapalje & Catelyntje Trico were one of these first ten families. Their first child was the first child of European descent born in New Netherlands. She lived to be over 80 and gave several depositions about the first days of the Dutch colony. Here is one:
"The Deposicon of Catelina Trico aged fouer score yeares or thereabouts taken before the right honoble Collo. Thomas Dongan Lent. and Governour under his Rlyll. hignss James Duke of Yorke and Albany etc. of N York and its Dependencyes in America, who saith and Declares in the prsens of God as followeth
"That she Caine to this Province either in the yeare one thousand six hundred and twenty three or twenty fouer to the best of her remembrance, and that fouer Women Came along with her in the same Shipp, in which ship the Governor Arian Jorissen Came also over, which fouer Women were married at Sea and that they and their husbands stayed about three Weekes at this place and then they with eight seamen more went in a vessell by ordr. of the Dutch Governor. to Dellaware River and there settled. [Burlington Island just off Burlington, NJ] This I Certifie under my hand & ye seale of this province. THO. DONGAN."
3. The U.S. Navy's first submarine, the human-muscle propelled Civil War ALLIGATOR, was first tested which American water way [and for extra credit--in which town did its French inventor and crew stay during the testing]?
The Rancocas Creek. Delanco, NJ.
[http://www.delancotownship.com/content/5300/5919/5951/default.aspx ]
4. WCAU TV [channel 10] had one of Philly's earliest kids' TV shows hosted by a puppet called "Willie the Worm" who introduced old kids cartoons. Willie had an off-screen assistant who ran the projector for the cartoons. "Who" was this projectionist?
"Newton the Mouse"