Wednesday, September 1, 2021

RHS September 2021 Trivia


Something a little different: English borrows words from many languages and all over the world. Below I will list six continents and then provide six loan words borrowed into English from a language originally spoken on one of these continents. Just match the continents to the words!

Africa | Asia | Australia | Europe | North America | South America

1. pajamas    ___ASIA_______

2. corn          ______EUROPE_____

3. tomato      _____SOUTH aMERICA______

4. banana     _____AFRICA______

5. squash     _____NORTH AMERICA______

6. barramundi _____AUSTRALIA______

Extra Credit: Can you identify the single source, i.e., the people from whose language the following words were all borrowed?

bar [meaning 'coin'], drag [referring to cross-gender dressing], lollipop, pal, shiv [ knife, razor, or other sharp or pointed implement, especially one used as a weapon]
The Gypsies: aka Romani, aka Zigeuner,, Tsigane, Gitane, etc., etc.